G3500 Remote Advisor Panel Software Upgrade
G3500 Remote Advisor Panel Software Upgrade (IRM PELJ1083)
Simplify your engine set up with the G3500 Advisor Panel Software Upgrade kit. The enhanced software equips the product with a preference of control options and an overall simplification of system diagnostics and engine troubleshooting.
An engine’s configuration creates the foundation necessary to build a better tomorrow. The new and improved software of the G3500 Remote Advisor Panel equips each product with necessary safety measures for ensuring the right personnel are operating the machines as well as simplifying the overview of an engine’s software through the reduction of extraneous hardware. Extend your engine’s lifespan with the right software today.
- Engine set-up without Cat ET
- Graphic display of key operating parameters
- Password protection via configuration screen
- Emissions-related parameter configuration
- Full-text descriptions and fault code availability via panel
- Availability of virtual gauges
- Equipped with advanced Remote Advisor Panel settings
- Simplifies overall maintenance and repairs
- Prevents adjustment of emissions and parameters by unauthorized personnel
- Simplifies system diagnostics and troubleshooting
- Reduces need for laptops/special PC hardware for engine operation and services
- Reduces need for additional hardware and software for troubleshooting/adjustment of engine
- Enables adjustment of AFRC and necessary NOx settings
- Enhances engine operation and configuration simplicity
- Eliminates compatibility issues